CD19 Detection and Its significance

Wilson Bella
2 min readSep 5, 2020


What is CD19?

CD19 is a tufted antigen, which is an important membrane antigen related to B cell proliferation, differentiation, activation and antibody production. CD19 is distributed on all malignant B cells such as B cells, hair cell leukemia cells, and follicular dendritic cells, so it is the best marker for the diagnosis of B cell line tumors (leukemia, lymphoma) and the identification of B cells.

How to Detect CD19

The detection of CD19 is mainly based on immunohistochemical method. The specific binding of antigen and antibody is utilized to combine the specific marker antibody with CD19 antigen for incubation and identification by means of staining microscopic examination and instrument counting, so as to achieve the purpose of qualitative or quantitative detection. Flow cytometry detected CD19 on all B cells and hair cell leukemia cells, and immunohistostaining detected CD19 on all B cells and follicular dendritic cells. Other methods include immunofluorescence staining, immunogold and silver staining, etc.

CD19 Significance

CD19 is involved in one of the important membrane antigen B cell activation and proliferation.It is all the B cells of the surface of the logo and don’t disappear after B cell activation, which is one of the most important factor B cell markers. CD19 is also on the surface of B cells at the same time convey constitute part of the complex signal. CD19 extracellular parts with other membrane antigen to signal transduction. Elevated CD19 positive cells were seen in malignancies of the b-lymphocyte system, such as CD19 expression in 95% of pre-acute b-lymphocytic leukemia cells and 94% of acute mature b-lymphocytic leukemia cells, as well as in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and Burkitt lymphoma. The decrease of CD19 positive cells can be seen in humoral immunodeficiency diseases, such as those without immunoglobulinemia and those who have used immunosuppressive agents for a long time. Therefore, CD19 test can clearly diagnose the causes of the above diseases and provide the basis for differential diagnosis.In addition, because CD19 is widely found on the cell surface of malignant tumors in the b-lymphocyte system, it can be used as a cell-surface target in immunotherapy for leukemia and lymphoma.

Why is CD19 Rising or Reducing?

CD19 is an important membrane antigen related to B cell proliferation, differentiation, activation and antibody production, so CD19 is distributed on all B cells, hair cells and follicular dendritic cells. So when these cells are diseased, it leads to the elevation of CD19 which is the main function. It’s used to differentiate and diagnose tumors on b cells, and it’s an important marker. CD19 is elevated is because these cells have a mutation in a gene that turns them into tumor cells, and clinically CD19 is elevated in malignancies of the b lymphocyte system. When CD19 expression level is reducing, B cell maturation is affected and activation signal is reduced, resulting in low or no expression of antibody. Low CD19 is a goo sign of decreased immunity. So it usually need to strengthen exercise and nutrition.



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